How to Relieve Stress | Methods to Destress

One thing we can all connect on is that life is stressful. Whether that’s daily stress from work or drastic life events, stress seems all too pervasive in our lives. Some of the debilitating effects of stress are poor to no sleep, increased hair loss, accelerated aging, and higher risks of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. In short, stress makes life way harder than it has to be. So what can we do about it? Reducing our stress levels involves lifestyle changes (don’t worry, they’re small changes) that directly help us cultivate inner peace. We can’t help being faced with stressful situations, but we can do our best to equip ourselves with the tools to effectively manage how we respond to stress. Here are things that have helped me:

  1. Tea

Ok, wait, I know, we’re a tea company, so of course we’d recommend drinking tea. But even before the conception of DTC, I had been regularly drinking tea to help bring more calm into my mind. Something about the aroma and warmth of the tea helps to relax my mind before I even take my first sip. 

Teas known to reduce stress are:

  • Chamomile tea—along with its beautiful floral aroma, chamomile has a slight sweetness that makes it an enjoyable evening cup of tea. Studies suggest that chamomile causes relaxation and eventually, induces sleep. Better sleep means lower levels of stress. 

When to drink: Evening, before you plan on going to bed.

Other teas with similar effects: Passionflower, Valerian, Lemon Balm, Rose, Licorice 

  • Green tea—Green tea is great for digestion and has been shown to reduce anxiety with an amino acid called L-theanine. This amino acid, along with the caffeine in green tea helps us improve our focus, making green tea ideal for working or studying. 

When to drink: Morning to late afternoon (around 2pm). 

  1. Meditation 

I can safely say, sitting in a still position, focusing on my breath is next to impossible (talk about monkey mind). But when we breathe deeply and fully, we relax our muscles, relieve tension, and slow down our heart rate, sending signals to the brain that we’re safe. 

  • Quick meditation for instant relief: Practice time: 5 minutes

Sit on a chair with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Make sure you sit with our back straight (no hunching) and bring our chest in line with your pelvis, and your head in line with your heart. Place your hands wherever they’re comfortable (on your lap, knees, etc.) and gently close your eyes. You may also lie on your back on a flat surface or yoga mat.

Bring your focus to the tip of your nose. Observe how the air moves in and out of your nostrils. Notice the temperature of the air. Feel the coolness as you breathe in and the warmth as you breathe out. Focus on the direction of your breath only at your nostrils. If any thoughts arise, acknowledge them, and gently bring yourself back to the tip of our nose, focusing your awareness. Don’t judge yourself for the thoughts that come up. It’s all okay. And it’s all going to be okay. Just bring your focus back to the breath. 

When your five minutes are up, gently—and slowly—blink open your eyes. Observe how you feel; do you feel a difference? As you continue this practice, experiment with lengthening the time of your mediation to 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and 30 minutes.

  1. Listening to your favorite music 

Songs we deeply connect to bring us happiness and fulfillment; thus, lowering stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that when we listen to our favorite music before we go to bed, we set ourselves up for a good night’s sleep. This is because music can calm our autonomic nervous system, which in turn, slows our breathing, lowers our heart rate, and lulls us to sleep.

  1. Journal
    Writing helps us focus and quiet the voices constantly swarming our minds. Having a dedicated journal can enhance your journaling experience.

Journaling exercise: Write down 10 things you’re grateful for. It can be anything; don’t judge yourself for what you write. When you’re done with your list, observe what you’ve written. What feelings come up? How do each of these things give you a fulfilling life? When we see the things that make our lives worth living, we feel a sense of ease and gratitude. 

  1. Set realistic goals—Believe it or not, you don’t have to accomplish everything at once (*insert surprise Pikachu face). Focus on what has to be done at the present moment and leave everything else for the future – know that as you focus on yourself, and live in trust, the universe will help you meet your goals in life.
    Kai-Zen: A few months ago, I learned about a Japanese concept called “Kai-Zen”, which translates to “good change.” This is a way to ensure continuous improvement by working on small tasks every day to reap the benefits of large improvement. Say you have a deadline or exam in a week. Instead of going about your work constantly thinking of everything that needs to be done, make a daily study or work schedule. Each day, focus on your tasks for the day. By the end of the week, you’ll be all set for your exam or meet your deadline. Most importantly, remember to have some spare time for yourself.  

I hope these tips help you in dealing with your stress. You don’t have to do all of these at once; I recommend starting with the activities that fit you and your lifestyle best. I’ll share more stress-relieving activities and lifestyle changes in future blogs.

With light,


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